Mean and Variance
One dimensional data
Let’s assume we are working with a dataset whose data-points \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N\) are one dimensional.
The mean of the dataset is defined to be
\[\mu = \frac{x_1 + x_2 + \ldots x_N}{N}.\]
The variance is defined to be
\[\sigma^2 = \frac{(x_1-\mu)^2 + (x_2-\mu)^2 + \ldots (x_N-\mu)^2}{N}.\]
import numpy as np
#x is the 1-d numpy array of your 1 dimensional datapoints
x = np.array([1,2,3,4,-1,-2,-3,-4])
print(f" The mean is {x.mean()}")
print(f" The mean is also given by {np.mean(x)}")
print(f" The variance is {x.var()}")
print(f" The variance is also given by{np.var(x)}")
The mean is 0.0
The mean is also given by 0.0
The variance is 7.5
The variance is also given by 7.5
Higher dimensional data
Say now we are working with a dataset whose data-points \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N\) are \(d\) dimensional, i.e. each \(x_i\) is a \(d\times 1\) column vector.
The mean of the dataset is defined to be
\[\mu = \frac{x_1 + x_2 + \ldots x_N}{N}.\]
The covariance matrix is defined to be
\[S= \frac{(x_1-\mu)(x_1-\mu)^T + (x_2-\mu)(x_2-\mu)^T + \ldots (x_N-\mu)(x_N-\mu)^T}{N}.\]
Note that since \(x_i, \mu\) have shape \(d\times 1\), \((x_i-\mu)(x_i-\mu)^T\) has shape \(d\times d\). Thus the covariance matrix \(S\) is a \(d\times d\) matrix.
A more compact formula
To make the definition of the variance neater, let’s assemble our data-points into a \(d\times N\) matrix \(X\).
\[X= \left( \begin{array}{cccc} . & . & \ldots & . \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ x_1 & x_2 & \ldots & x_N \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ \end{array}\right)\]Define \(\tilde{X} = X-\mu\), i.e. subtract \(\mu\) from every column of \(X\).
\[\tilde{X}= \left( \begin{array}{cccc} . & . & \ldots & . \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ x_1-\mu & x_2-\mu & \ldots & x_N-\mu \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ . & . & \ldots & . \\ \end{array}\right)\]By some matrix manipulation1, the covariance matrix turns out to be nothing but
\[S = \frac{1}{N}\tilde{X}\tilde{X}^T\]
Say we have 3 data-points, each of which is two-dimensional. Then we can represent the dataset as
\[X = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1 & -1 & 1 \\ 2 & -2 & 2 \end{array}\right)\]
The mean would be
\[\mu = \left(\begin{array}{c}\frac{1 + -1 + 1}{3} \\ \frac{2 + -2 + 2}{3} \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c}\frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{2}{3} \end{array}\right)\]
Further, \(\tilde{X} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1- \frac{1}{3} & -1 - \frac{1}{3} & 1-\frac{1}{3} \\ 2-\frac{2}{3} & -2-\frac{2}{3} & 2-\frac{2}{3} \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}\frac{2}{3} & - \frac{4}{3} & \frac{2}{3} \\ \frac{4}{3} & -\frac{8}{3} & \frac{4}{3} \end{array}\right)\)
The covariance-matrix would be \(\frac{1}{N}\tilde{X}\tilde{X}^T\) which is
\[\begin{align*} S &= \frac{1}{3}\left(\begin{array}{ccc}\frac{2}{3} & - \frac{4}{3} & \frac{2}{3} \\ \frac{4}{3} & -\frac{8}{3} & \frac{4}{3} \end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}\frac{2}{3} & \frac{4}{3} \\ -\frac{4}{3} & -\frac{8}{3} \\ \frac{2}{3} & \frac{4}{3} \end{array}\right)\\ & = \frac{1}{3}\left(\begin{array}{cc}\frac{24}{9} & \frac{48}{9} \\ \frac{48}{9} & \frac{96}{9} \end{array}\right) \\ & = \left(\begin{array}{cc}\frac{8}{9} & \frac{16}{9} \\ \frac{16}{9} & \frac{32}{9} \end{array}\right)\end{align*}\]
import numpy as np
#x is the d x N numpy array of your d-dimensional datapoints
x = np.array([[1,-1,1], [2,-2,2]])
print(f" The mean is {np.mean(x, axis=1)}")
print(f" The covariance matrix is {np.cov(x,bias=True)}")
The mean is [0.33333333 0.66666667]
The covariance matrix is
[[0.88888889 1.77777778]
[1.77777778 3.55555556]]
When you input the dataset as a numpy array (think of it as a list \(L\) of lists \(r_i\)), each \(r_i\) is the list of the \(i\)-th coordinates of the data-points. The size of \(L\) which is the number of \(r_i\)s would be the dimension of the data-points, while the size of each \(r_i\) would be the number of data-points
The \(i\)-coordinate of each data-point can be thought of as the value of the \(i\)-th attribute for the datapoint. Thus dimension of the data-point is the number of attributes. Some people might refer to the attributes as \(x_1,x_2,\ldots\). So take a moment to look at the notations used!
By default, bias is set to False in np.cov. This would give the so-called sample-covariance matrix. If you want the usual covariance, remember to set bias=True
Notice that the covariance matrix in the previous example is symmetric. This is in fact true for every covariance matrix. Why ?
Well, a matrix \(M\) is symmetric provided \(M=M^T\). The covariance matrix looks like \(S = \frac{1}{N}\tilde{X}\tilde{X}^T\). Then,
\[S^T = \frac{1}{N}\left(\tilde{X}\tilde{X}^T\right)^T = \frac{1}{N} (\tilde{X}^T)^T\tilde{X}^T = S !\]Et voila!
- \[\begin{align*} \tilde{X}\tilde{X^T} &= \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left(\begin{array}{ccccc} \overline{0} & \ldots & \overline{0} & x_i-\mu & \overline{0} \ldots & \overline{0} \\ \end{array}\right)\tilde{X}^T \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^N \left(\begin{array}{ccccc} \overline{0} & \ldots & \overline{0} & x_i-\mu & \overline{0} \ldots & \overline{0} \end{array}\right)\left[\sum_{j=1}^{N} \left(\begin{array}{c} \overline{0} \\ \ldots \\ \overline{0} \\ (x_j-\mu)^T \\ \overline{0}^T \\ \ldots \\ \overline{0}^T \end{array}\right) \right] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{N} (x_i-\mu)(x_i-\mu)^T = NS \end{align*}\]